Category Archives: Wildlife

Green Ripples…

Going Green

How innocent these creatures. Day to day living their lives, at the mercy of our mercy. To have clean water, clean food, a place to dwell as nature intended. Green ripples in the fabric of our world… Shall we care?

I saw this beaver munching peacefully in the unusually high waters of Newport News Park (Newport News, VA) this evening along the White Oak Trail.

Primal Passion…

Primal Passion

Beauty and mystery engulf us. Shall we open our eyes and see it? Knowing it’s there leaves us only to find it…

This is a picture of a window on Bridge Street in Hampton, Virginia at 8:23 pm on June 25, 2011. I focused on the fiery-lit clouds reflected in the glass, and composed around the poster of the monkey just on the other side of the glass.

Life’s Variety…

Ghost Crab

Abundance of life all around. Some small, some bizarre. Do we care to stop and see? How marvelous the creeping things of this world!

This is a Ghost Crab on the beach in Hampton on May 28, 2011.

Call of the Wild…

Male Kingfisher

On 5/29/2011 off the Colonial Parkway, this male kingfisher posed for me as he sung out to the female who responded soon thereafter.

Nature’s Grip

Nature's Grip

The life that inhabits this beautiful planet–wondrous beyond comprehension. On Nov 22, 2010, I sat on the cold rocks at Conowingo Dam, Maryland. It was a totally overcast dreary-looking morning… a stark contrast to the aerial display to come. Most people had longer glass than me, so I was hoping to luck out and get a close fly-by. I positioned myself for luck… and it found me. This was a gripping moment I’ll never forget.