Category Archives: Cityscapes

A Light Spray…

A Light Spray

The day after Independence Day… the burden of tyranny lifted. A day to exhale the breath of freedom. Relax and enjoy the hard-fought rewards. To be liberated. To own your own destiny. Unconstrained. A light spray of bliss.

Photograph taken at City Center, Newport News Va during the Hampton Roads Digital Photography Club photowalk on July 5, 2011.

Primal Passion…

Primal Passion

Beauty and mystery engulf us. Shall we open our eyes and see it? Knowing it’s there leaves us only to find it…

This is a picture of a window on Bridge Street in Hampton, Virginia at 8:23 pm on June 25, 2011. I focused on the fiery-lit clouds reflected in the glass, and composed around the poster of the monkey just on the other side of the glass.

My First Bite…

My First Bite

The Big Apple… 1/14/2011. Five months later, I still haven’t come down from New York City. My first glimpse was at twilight while approaching the Holland Tunnel. BAM!!! NYC hit me in the face!  Huge, lit up buildings, a glowing green Statue of Liberty, a brightly lit (in green) top of the Empire State Building. I almost swallowed my tongue. The term “Big City” suddenly had meaning.

Lights, action, glitz and glamour. This town has it all. You think you know “diversity?” Can it! People of all ages, stripes and nationalities; modern architecture nestled with historic. Everything different, but simmering together delectably.

They say “what happens in NY, stays in NY.” But, it impacted me, changed me, and came home with me. I’m ready for another bite…

Voices from the City

Skyline Norfolk

Cityscapes are voices; whispering, singing, sometimes shouting: “Here I am. I am unique. This is what makes me special. And I want you to experience me.”

I’m hosting a Cityscapes class/presentation this Tuesday at my photo club: Hampton Roads Digital Photography Club. I guess it’s time for me to learn what I’m supposed to teach. 🙂

This is the Norfolk, Virginia skyline during the blue hour on May 3, 2011 as seen from across the water in Portsmouth.